
class AlgodClient(algod_token: str, algod_address: str, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None)

Bases: object

Client class for algod. Handles all algod requests.

  • algod_token (str) – algod API token

  • algod_address (str) – algod address

  • headers (dict, optional) – extra header name/value for all requests







algod_request(method: str, requrl: str, params: Optional[Union[Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]]]] = None, data: Optional[bytes] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, response_format: Optional[str] = 'json') Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Execute a given request.

  • method (str) – request method

  • requrl (str) – url for the request

  • params (ParamsType, optional) – parameters for the request

  • data (bytes, optional) – data in the body of the request

  • headers (dict, optional) – additional header for request

  • response_format (str, optional) – format of the response


dict loaded from json response body when response_format == “json” otherwise returns the response body as bytes

account_info(address: str, exclude: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return account information.


address (str) – account public key

asset_info(asset_id: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return information about a specific asset.


asset_id (int) – The ID of the asset to look up.

application_info(application_id: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return information about a specific application.


application_id (int) – The ID of the application to look up.

application_box_by_name(application_id: int, box_name: bytes, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return the value of an application’s box.

NOTE: box values are returned as base64-encoded strings.

  • application_id (int) – The ID of the application to look up.

  • box_name (bytes) – The name or key of the box.

application_boxes(application_id: int, limit: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Given an application ID, return all Box names. No particular ordering is guaranteed. Request fails when client or server-side configured limits prevent returning all Box names.

NOTE: box names are returned as base64-encoded strings.

  • application_id (int) – The ID of the application to look up.

  • limit (int, optional) – Max number of box names to return. If max is not set, or max == 0, returns all box-names up to the maximum configured by the algod server being queried.

account_asset_info(address: str, asset_id: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return asset information for a specific account.

  • address (str) – account public key

  • asset_id (int) – The ID of the asset to look up.

account_application_info(address: str, application_id: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return application information for a specific account.

  • address (str) – account public key

  • application_id (int) – The ID of the application to look up.

pending_transactions_by_address(address: str, limit: int = 0, response_format: str = 'json', **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the list of pending transactions by address, sorted by priority, in decreasing order, truncated at the end at MAX. If MAX = 0, returns all pending transactions.

  • address (str) – account public key

  • limit (int, optional) – maximum number of transactions to return

  • response_format (str) – the format in which the response is returned: either “json” or “msgpack”

block_info(block: Optional[int] = None, response_format: str = 'json', round_num: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the block for the given round.

  • block (int) – block number

  • response_format (str) – the format in which the response is returned: either “json” or “msgpack”

  • round_num (int, optional) – alias for block; specify one of these

ledger_supply(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return supply details for node’s ledger.

status(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return node status.

status_after_block(block_num: Optional[int] = None, round_num: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return node status immediately after blockNum.

  • block_num – block number

  • round_num (int, optional) – alias for block_num; specify one of these

send_transaction(txn: Union[algosdk.transaction.SignedTransaction, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction, algosdk.transaction.MultisigTransaction], **kwargs: Any) str

Broadcast a signed transaction object to the network.


transaction ID

Return type


send_raw_transaction(txn: Union[bytes, str], **kwargs: Any) str

Broadcast a signed transaction to the network.

  • txn (str) – transaction to send, encoded in base64

  • request_header (dict, optional) – additional header for request


transaction ID

Return type


pending_transactions(max_txns: int = 0, response_format: str = 'json', **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return pending transactions.

  • max_txns (int) – maximum number of transactions to return; if max_txns is 0, return all pending transactions

  • response_format (str) – the format in which the response is returned: either “json” or “msgpack”

pending_transaction_info(transaction_id: str, response_format: str = 'json', **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return transaction information for a pending transaction.

  • transaction_id (str) – transaction ID

  • response_format (str) – the format in which the response is returned: either “json” or “msgpack”

health(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return null if the node is running.

versions(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Return algod versions.

send_transactions(txns: Iterable[Union[algosdk.transaction.SignedTransaction, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction, algosdk.transaction.MultisigTransaction]], **kwargs: Any) str

Broadcast list of a signed transaction objects to the network.


first transaction ID

Return type


suggested_params(**kwargs: Any) algosdk.transaction.SuggestedParams

Return suggested transaction parameters.

compile(source: str, source_map: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Compile TEAL source with remote algod.

  • source (str) – source to be compiled

  • request_header (dict, optional) – additional header for request


loaded from json response body. “result” property contains compiled bytes, “hash” - program hash (escrow address)

Return type


disassemble(program_bytes: bytes, **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, str]

Disassable TEAL program bytes with remote algod. :param program: bytecode to be disassembled :type program: bytes :param request_header: additional header for request :type request_header: dict, optional


response dictionary containing disassembled TEAL source code in plain text as the value of the unique “result” key.

Return type


dryrun(drr: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any]

Dryrun with remote algod.

  • drr (obj) – dryrun request object

  • request_header (dict, optional) – additional header for request


loaded from json response body

Return type


genesis(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Returns the entire genesis file.

transaction_proof(round_num: int, txid: str, hashtype: str = '', response_format: str = 'json', **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get a proof for a transaction in a block.

  • round_num (int) – The round in which the transaction appears.

  • txid (str) – The transaction ID for which to generate a proof.

  • hashtype (str) – The type of hash function used to create the proof, must be either sha512_256 or sha256.

lightblockheader_proof(round_num: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Gets a proof for a given light block header inside a state proof commitment.


round_num (int) – The round to which the light block header belongs.

stateproofs(round_num: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get a state proof that covers a given round


round_num (int) – The round for which a state proof is desired.

get_block_hash(round_num: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the block hash for the block on the given round.


round_num (int) – The round in which the transaction appears.

simulate_transactions(request: algosdk.v2client.models.simulate_request.SimulateRequest, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Simulate transactions being sent to the network.

  • request (models.SimulateRequest) – Simulation request object

  • headers (dict, optional) – additional header for request


results from simulation of transactions

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

simulate_raw_transactions(txns: Sequence[Union[algosdk.transaction.SignedTransaction, algosdk.transaction.LogicSigTransaction, algosdk.transaction.MultisigTransaction]], **kwargs)

Simulate a transaction group being sent to the network.

  • txns (Sequence[transaction.GenericSignedTransaction]) – transaction group to simulate

  • headers (dict, optional) – additional header for request


results from simulation of transactions

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

get_sync_round(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the minimum sync round for the ledger.


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

set_sync_round(round: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Set the minimum sync round for the ledger.


round (int) – Sync round


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

unset_sync_round(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Unset the minimum sync round for the ledger.


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

ready(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Returns OK if the node is healthy and fully caught up.


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

get_timestamp_offset(**kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the timestamp offset in block headers. This feature is only available in dev mode networks.


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

set_timestamp_offset(offset: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Set the timestamp offset in block headers. This feature is only available in dev mode networks.


offset (int) – Block timestamp offset


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

get_ledger_state_delta(round: int, response_format: str = 'json', **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the ledger state delta for a round.

  • round (int) – The round for the desired state delta

  • response_format (str) – The format in which the response is returned: either “json” or “msgpack”


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

get_transaction_group_ledger_state_deltas_for_round(round: int, response_format: str = 'json', **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the ledger state deltas for all transaction groups in a given round.

  • round (int) – The round for the desired state delta

  • response_format (str) – The format in which the response is returned: either “json” or “msgpack”


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

get_ledger_state_delta_for_transaction_group(id: str, response_format: str = 'json', **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the ledger state delta for a transaction group given the transaction or group ID.

  • id (str) – A transaction ID or transaction group ID

  • response_format (str) – The format in which the response is returned: either “json” or “msgpack”


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

get_block_txids(round_num: int, **kwargs: Any) Union[Dict[str, Any], bytes]

Get the top level transaction IDs for the block on the given round.


round_num (int) – The round in which the transaction appears.


Response from algod

Return type

Dict[str, Any]